Make Data-Driven Recruitment Decisions With Ease!

To meet the fast-paced demands of the hiring industry, it is crucial to have real-time insights and metrics about your recruitment performance. Our analytics report tool is a powerful solution that arms hiring professionals with the data and reporting tools necessary to make informed recruiting decisions.

With real-time recruiting dashboards, intuitive data visualization, and detailed reports, our reports and analytics feature provide you with a 360-degree view of your recruitment performance. But we are not just about numbers and data points. Talentpool’s report analytics module comes with a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and customise. With our recruiting analytics software, you can quickly access the insights you need to drive recruiting strategies forward.

How Will Talentpool’s Recruiting Analytics System Help?

Analyse data with data<br> visualisation tools” loading=”lazy” height=”150″ width=”150″ />
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Analyse data with data
visualisation tools

Build custom reports

Build custom reports

Compare candidate sources

Compare candidate sources

Make Smarter Hires With Data-Driven Insights!

Talentpool helps you identify trends and patterns in your recruitment metrics, enabling recruiters to reduce the time-to-hire, cost-to-hire and improve candidate quality. Our platform uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyse candidate data, assess job fit, and predict job performance.

Our data-driven approach also helps to remove unconscious biases from the recruitment process, ensuring that you are making decisions based on merit rather than subjective factors. So, if you’re looking to take your recruitment game to the next level, consider implementing a hiring analytics report tool in your recruitment strategy.

How we do it?

Report Builder

Analyse data from multiple sources and create customised reports in just a few clicks with our data analysis and reporting platform. You can also easily download and share detailed reports with different team members to identify trends and track key metrics that lead to better outcomes.

Personalised Dashboard

Get a holistic view of your key recruitment metrics, such as candidate sources, applicant tracking, and time-to-hire, with our customised recruiting dashboard. With drag-and-drop functionality, you can easily add or remove data widgets to create a dashboard that fits your specific needs.

Track Performance​

Monitor and track your hiring process metrics. Talentpool offers powerful analytics capabilities such as predictive modelling and data visualisation, allowing recruiters to gain valuable insights into their recruitment performance and identify areas for improvement.

Get Real Time 2 Benefits


Can I export ATS reports and analytics to other formats, such as Excel or PDF?

Yes, Talentpool allows you to export reports and analytics to other formats, such as Excel or PDF. This can be useful if you want to share the data with other members of your team or perform further analysis using other tools.

  • Scheduling interviews
  • Calendar Integration
  • Automated interview notification and reminders
  • Evaluation and scoring of candidates
  • Real-time data and analytics report
  • Centralized dashboard for collaboration and sharing candidate feedback
How do I use ATS reports and analytics to make data-driven decisions?

What types of ATS reports and analytics are available?

Can ATS reports and analytics be customized to meet specific needs?

How often are ATS reports and analytics updated?

Can ATS reports and analytics help me track the effectiveness of my recruitment efforts?

How do I access ATS reports and analytics?

Can ATS reports and analytics help me identify trends in recruitment and talent acquisition?

How can I share ATS reports and analytics with other members of my team or organization?

Can ATS reports and analytics help me identify areas for improvement in my recruitment process?

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Location : Pune