We all know this year, almost all the businesses suffered through the challenging time. The conventional way of hiring has suddenly changed to conform to the new normal.
- Are you facing visibility issues?
- Is tracking your team’s productivity becoming a challenge?
If yes, perhaps you should relook at the hiring process and restructure it to fit into the new way of working.
Recruitment on a single unified platform
We know if the information is scattered then even simple tasks become complex and take a lot of time. Often the result also does not meet expectations.
Recruitment teams deal with massive data pointers and information around organizational workflows, positions and candidates.
There are multiple stakeholders involved in the hiring process
interviewers, requisitioners, recruiters, HR managers, vendors, and employees. Delay at any point leads to a cumulative impact on the hiring TAT. So, it becomes very important and necessary to introduce a single platform for everybody to work together.
At every stage of the recruitment process, communication plays a vital role. Each interaction is important from the perspective of moving the process forward. Getting all interactions recorded in a single repository is critical to streamlining the data management.
The other important piece in hiring is the seamless recruitment workflow that needs to be managed without any manual intervention. This ensures that there are minimal funnel leakages. This also helps in real time visibility of each and every candidate in the present in the hiring process.
- Saves almost 50-60% of the recruiters time
- Improves quality of hire and reduces cost per hire
- Improves hiring timeline
Team collaboration
Recruitment is a collaborative activity and if it is not done in a structured way then it might lead to massive delays. Here, the recruiter plays the role of facilitating between the hiring manager and the candidate.
It is important for the hiring manager to get a clear picture of candidate aspirations so that they have a perspective when evaluating. Each rejection and selection brings clarity to the hiring manager as well as recruiter. Having visibility and ready availability of candidate data is key for speed and efficiency.
This structured way of collaboration between recruiter, hiring manager and candidate also gives a positive experience to the candidate.
- Streamlined and well aligned recruitment process
- Objective evaluation
- Better quality of hires
Candidate role and scorecard definition
For any job role, it is required to decide on the short-term role and long-term role of the candidates. The recruiter and hiring manager needs to align with business objectives and define required skills, traits, and qualifications. This will help organizations to get the right candidate at the right levels.
However, scorecard definition for each role is required as it helps in rating the candidates based on their skill sets and the required competencies.
- A defined job role gives more clarity to the candidate regarding the role expectations
- Scorecard helps in removing biases from the system. This makes recruitment more of objective in nature than subjective
- Objectivity in recruitment reduces wastage of time and efforts
After all, implementing these small changes will help structure your hiring process during unstructured times. This will help organizations to achieve their objectives today, tomorrow and beyond.