Tags Archives: applicant tracking software
January 22, 2021
3 Metrics to Measure Recruitment Efficiency
Today's competitive recruiting market has made it essential for the talent acquisition industry to improve the efficiency of their internal processes while measuring success simultaneously. The recruitment efficiency can
August 17, 2020
Are you getting rejected by the Applicant Tracking Software
Applying regularly for jobs every day but are not receiving interview calls? Is there something wrong from your end or from the employer's end? Well it's all because
July 03, 2020
Top 5 mistakes Small Businesses (SMBs) make when buying recruitment
Having met many promising companies in the SMB segment who want to streamline recruitment, we have observed a pattern in how they seem to take their buying decision.  
June 12, 2020
Overlooked Reasons of Recruitment Delay
In this competitive market, talent and resources can be a game-changer for any organization. You cannot afford to lose the best talent to some other company or your competitors
March 17, 2020
How to identify and avoid interview biases
We are human. We make mistakes and as a recruiter one is prone to exhibit interview bias. Most interview biases are involuntary- unconscious one might say. As an interviewer it
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