The probability of hiring the right candidate also increases when you have a seamless onboarding process. Let’s delve deeper into how you can get joiners fast in today’s dynamic corporate world.
1. Make a difference in the candidate’s experience
The candidate’s experience defines what they feel about your organization after undergoing your hiring process. Organizations not reverting to candidates is one of the most common situations that leads to a bad candidate experience. Reverting to every candidate’s applications and respecting their time is one of the best ways to create a positive candidate experience. It will help to create a good first impression of your organization. In addition to this, it will also allow you to build a good brand impression.
a. Try to understand the candidate’s expectations
Before you go on a hiring spree, a recruiter must understand the candidate’s expectations from the job and the organization. Maintaining transparency related to the compensation, perks, work hours, etc., and is crucial while hiring the right suitable candidate. This also helps in reducing the employee turnover ratio.
b. Prepare the right set of questions to assess the candidate
For work screening and determining the candidate’s work acumen, it is important to ask the right set of questions. The questions should be related to the nature of the work and the position for which hiring is for. In addition, a recruiter must evaluate both technical as well as soft skills. With the right set of questions, one can check the competency of any candidate against the set benchmark.
c. Answer all the queries of joiners
Answering every question that the joiner might have is the key to making the process more transparent. During the face-to-face round of interviews, the candidate must be clear about the expectations. On the other hand, the recruiter can ask the candidate if he/she has any questions about your organization and the job role. The recruiter should primarily address questions related to the firm and the hiring manager should answer all the queries related to the job role.
Settling into a new organization can feel challenging at times for new employees. Most organizations assign a “buddy” who helps the new candidate to adjust in the workplace.
2. Develop a passive candidate hiring pipeline
Finding the qualified and right talent is always be a big challenge if you do not know how to leverage your professional network. To create a passive candidate hiring pipeline one needs to work upon multiple channels. One can use the following sources to build a passive hiring pipeline.
- Run Boolean searches to find potential candidates using the internet. You can easily target your Google search strings using multiple criteria such as skills, location, project, etc.
- Meet candidates in person during corporate events. You can also host your events to attract the right talent for various job roles within your organization.
- Leverage the power of social media. You can build a strong social media recruitment strategy to hire the best talent on various social media platforms.
- Conduct hackathonss, tech quiz competitions and announce a spot selection offer
- Visit multiple platforms where candidate showcases their skill sets in terms of their portfolio and achievements. Websites like Behance, Squarespace, Weebly, etc. consist of a pool of talent who are looking for good opportunities. One can initiate conversation with the candidate regarding career opportunities
a. Develop a robust employee referral program
Explaining more about job roles in detail is the first step to building a great employee referral program. On the other hand, creating an employee referral program awareness equally plays a crucial role. More employees know about the program, more qualified candidates can come into the candidate pipeline. A recruiter needs to keep your current employees updated and informed about any new vacancies which are there in the organization. In addition to this, one needs to acknowledge good referrals from your employees to keep them motivated.
The referral programs should also compensate your current employees fairly since they save a lot of time and money for the organization. It can be a mix of monetary and non-monetary benefits.
These were some important tips that you should be mindful of to get the right candidates for different job roles. It will help you hire the right talent without spending a lot of time and resources in the process.